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Introducing our freeze-dried dog food topper, available in four delicious flavors - Breakfast, Dinner, Superfood, and Veggie. Made with only the healthiest, all-natural ingredients, our topper is packed with nutritional goodness to support your dog's health and wellbeing. Our Breakfast flavor is perfect for a protein-packed start to the day, while our Dinner flavor provides a hearty and wholesome meal. Our Superfood flavor is a nutrient-dense blend of fruits and veggies, and our Veggie flavor is ideal for adding some extra healthy greens to your pup's diet. Our freeze-drying process locks in all the natural flavors and nutrients, ensuring that every bite is just as fresh and nutritious as the day it was harvested. Add our topper to your dog's meals for an extra boost of nutritional goodness they'll love.
Breakfast Dog Food Topper
  • From $4.49
Freeze Dried Beef Dinner Dog Food Topper
  • From $4.49
Superfood Dog Food Topper | Meal Mixer with added Turmeric
  • From $4.49
Veggie Dog Food Topper
  • From $4.49
Dog Food Topper Variety Pack - 4 Flavors
  • From $17.99
Freeze Dried Dog Food Topper Variety Pack
  • From $8.99
Veggie and Superfood Dog Food Topper Variety Pack
  • From $8.99
Breakfast and Dinner Dog Food Topper Variety Pack
  • From $8.99
Freeze Dried Beef Liver Bites
  • $10.00
Freeze Dried Salmon Bites
  • $10.00